Miomir Vasov, Dragana Šumarac Pavlović, Miomir Mijić, Dusan Randjelovic, Dragan Kostić

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The presented work is the result of affirmation of synergistic work of experts dealing with architectural and acoustic design with the aim and purpose of finding an adequate solution for optimal correction of the effect of GHG systems installed on the facade of the subject (case study) office building in Belgrade. Measurements established that the noise of the constructed GHG systems affected the residential building in the immediate vicinity. The effect of the constructed devices (refers to the installed units) of the office building in question in the case when they operate at full capacity was measuring to be about 58 dB (A). The urban zone in which the building is located (Vracar-Belgrade) belongs to the category of "office-residential area" in which the outdoor noise level permitted for the period of day is 60 dB (A), and for the night period is 50 dB (A). Taking into account the stated facts, it has been unequivocally established that GHG systems to a certain extent exceed the permitted noise levels and "endanger" the neighboring observed building. The subject of this professional-scientific research is the design of atypical facade architectural elements as a barrier reducing noise on the example of an office building in Belgrade. The architectural challenge was reflected in the fact that, in addition to designing the facade element which, at the request of the investor must not compromise the architecture of the building, therefore, should be "atypical in architectural design", it must also provide flexibility in applying different variants of acoustic barriers, which in addition to architectonic requirement must provide an adequate response to acoustic requirements. To the satisfaction of the authors, the designed barrier confirmed a successful synergy solution. The adopted architectural-acoustic configuration of the barrier proved to be effective regardless of the type of installed air conditioners, which in some way justifies the initial idea of strong causality of acoustic and architectural design, as a synergistic principle.

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559