Jelena Ristić Trajković, Danica Stojiljković, Verica Međo

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The paper explores the ideological influences in the period of the socialist system on the new urban landscape, and also on design of the typological models of residential units built in Belgrade. After the Second World War, one of the main policy goal of socialism was to solve the housing problems of Belgrade, by building the modern, serially manufactured and economical housing architecture. The period of intensive construction of housing architecture of Belgrade in the period of socialist self-management is pimarily related to the achieved quality of housing in this period in terms of environment humanization and functional organization of housing units. This paper explores new concepts and principles of housing architecture with the emphasis on the impact of spatial-functional apartment transformation on the family lifestyle and the formation of a new socialist culture of dwelling. Since the problem of housing is interdisciplinary, the transformation is studied out through detecting the relations of cause and effect among ideological social changes, culture of habitation, technical and technological criteria and functional-spatial house structure. The modern housing urbanism and architecture has become a representation of social, political, economic, demographic and cultural changes of the period.

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559