Zoran Bonic, Verka Prolovic, Nikola Romic, Nebojsa Davidovic, Elefterija Zlatanovic

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Reinforced concrete diaphragms are in-built supporting structures constructed directly in the ground. They are intended for reception of lateral soil pressures, and due to the thickness-height ratio They belong to the group of deformable structures. The paper presents different design methods of transversally loaded diaphragms as well as constitutive soil models which can be used on this occasion. For comparison of the described methods, one example of design of reinforced-concrete diaphragm with the analysis of obtained results was done. The diaphragm is firstly treated using classical analytical methods, and they using the numerical methods based on the concept of problem discretization using finite differences method and the STRESS, TOWER and PLAXIS software. The goal of the paper is as accurate prediction of the diaphragm and surrounding soil behavior as possible, as well as finding of the relevant impacts required for the design.

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559