Aleksandar Videnovic, Milos Arandjelovic

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Visitor centres are mandatorily info-promotional facilities, often focused on service and accommodation, and less often on research and education, and which should satisfy different needs of a specific natural or an artificially created area by means of a narrower or wider range of different activities. They are very important as special purpose points for development of a tourist offer in a specific wider area, but also as marketing and promotional markers for popularization and attractiveness, i.e. “new recognisability” of individual locations in a narrower spatial sense.

As modern benchmarks, they can use their functionality and design symbolism to become important generators of development and increase the number of visits to rural areas, where specific sites are most often located. This paper examines these specific functionally designed facilities from the viewpoint of potential typological divisions, empirical patterns, i.e. the overview of needs for their individual aspects in rural spaces and areas of Serbia, while taking into consideration the environment and experience they are to present to users.


Visitors’ centres, rural areas, info-points, habitats on tourist routes.

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559