Dragana Vasiljevic Tomic, Bojana Jerkovic Babovic, Ana Zoric

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The aim of this paper is research of the potential and redefining of space of the contemporary urban context, by recognizing movement and senses as principles of accessibility and affirmation of the neglected values of the city in regard to design aspects. A global context of networking transforms a modern city into processes of busy lifestyle, which neglect diversity and senses. Flows and networking, as the carriers of this context, despite their goal to create a connection between the global and the local and establish equality of all users, generate local separation and segregation, eliminating specific local traits and individual needs, thus neglecting individual units of space, social groups and subjects. The consequences of the city developing in this way are spatial fragments not connected to a network and not defined, and on the other hand neglected in a way that leads to specific environmental and sensory values, which under contemporary conditions propagate subjectivity, different impressions and effects. This spatial potential becomes recognized, distinguished and accessible through design methods and principles of inclusive design. The paper uses the methodology of the subject Access to All, a part of the Master studies programme at the Faculty of Architecture, as well as students’ research on the topic of inclusion and equal accessibility of the city’s potential through projects and design.


flow, senses, inclusion, accessibility

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559