Jasenka Čakarić, Aida Idrizbegović Zgonić

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Social turbulences and discontinuities of the 20th century, have as always reflected upon scientific and creative achievements, most visible in changes in architectural thought and relation to space. First half of the 20th century was shaped by the modernist movement, represented through technical and technological achievements of building into economy, social context and culture giving an overall sense of units and spirt of urbanism and architecture of the modern era.

In architecture there is a special place for the architect of the new era Le Corbusier whose narrative shaped and dominated the urban and architectural medium. Through research one can draw an analogy conceived by Le Corbusier between a typical serial housing unit and his functionalist urban and regional planning. He was at the same time praised and despised, but has definitely shaped the urban landscape as we know it today.

Through research into his essence and paradigms and contribution, this paper aims to reflect his urban design process that originated in multiplication and standardization of single units (family or collective) combined with his visions for an expanding cityscape.



Le Corbusier, XX century, modernism, architecture, urbanism, urban planning

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559