Fadime Diker

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In this paper, a fuzzy logic algorithm was created in order to grade and classify the design efficiencies of classrooms selected from Süleyman Demirel University. The existing classrooms were examined on site and the orientation of the classrooms, the number of people, the classroom area and the window area of the classroom were calculated. As the input variables, the orientation of the classrooms, the number of people, the area per-capita and the ratio of window area to the classroom area were modelled. The design efficiencies of the classrooms as the output variables were obtained by the rules formed among the input variables. In the model, fuzzy model as the Mamdani type and "weighted average" method as the clarification method were used. For fuzzy logic model, 180 fuzzy rules have been formed in the type of IF, which are associated with the facade of the classroom, the number of people, the area per capita and the ratio of the window area of the classrooms to the design efficiency of the classroom. Design efficiency of the classrooms were created; the design efficiency classes and the average design efficiencies of classrooms in faculties were compared and concluded according to faculties. The efficiency of the classrooms, which is the main place of the educational buildings, depends on the decisions taken during the design phase. With the model created in this paper, more efficient designs will be provided by having knowledge about the design efficiency through making use of the decision-making process of the classrooms during the design process. 


Fuzzy logic, Decision making, Classroom, Design efficiency

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