Social and Cultural Context as an Indicator of Sustainability of Brownfield Regeneration

Anita Stoilkov Koneski

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The research shows the most important objectives that lead to a sustainable outcome of brownfield regeneration, based on literature review in the academic circles and leading European projects involved in brownfield regeneration. After identifying the most important drivers of the process of regeneration, the aim of the research was to identify which are the objectives that need to be strengthen in order to achieve long term sustainability of brownfield regeneration. In that matter, the main focus of the paper is social and cultural context which is an indicator of sustainability of brownfield redevelopment projects in a way that does not necessary mean economic sustainability. Social and cultural objectives of brownfield regeneration have been listed with practical examples of how they could be achieved based on positive European experiences.

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ISSN 0354-4605 (Print)
ISSN 2406-0860 (Online)
COBISS.SR-ID 98807559