Veljko Stanković, Zoran Perić

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In this paper, we introduce a low complexity algorithm for estimation of the channel transfer function in the OFDM communication system that is using a scattered pilot symbol grid. Although, the use of the scattered pilot grid enables implementation of the flexible, and adaptive radio interface, it suffers from a high estimation error at the edges of the symbol sequence. Due to the sampling in time, and frequency, the signal is circularly expanded in both domains, and this has to be taken into account when the signal is processed. The proposed algorithm is shaping the pilot symbol estimates in time, and frequency domain, such that the aliasing in both domains are reduced or eliminated. We achieve a significant reduction of the estimation error, with a linear increase in computational complexity.


Channel estimation, window functions, signal processing, Discrete Fourier transform

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUACR220824009S


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