The Facta Universitatis. Series: Economics and Organization (FU Econ Org) is an open access peer-reviewed international journal published by the University of Niš (Republic of Serbia). We publish high quality, refereed papers four times a year. Papers for publication are selected through peer reviewing to ensure originality, relevance, and readability. The aim of FU Econ Org is to publish peer reviewed research and review articles fast without delay in the developing field of economics and organization. This journal provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge. Journal Facta Universitatis, Series: Economics and organization (FU Econ Org) has been published since 1993.
Editor-in-Chief: Prof. Dejan Spasić, Ph.D.
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Articles in Press (Online First) - Articles in Press (Online First) are peer reviewed, accepted articles to be published in this publication. When the final article is assigned to the volumes/issues of the publication, the Article in Press version will be removed and the final version will appear in the associated published volumes/issues of the journal FU Econ Org. Please be aware that, although Articles in Press do not have all bibliographic details available yet, they can already be cited using the Digital Object Identifier (DOI). Every article has a unique DOI which is the permanent identifier of all versions of that article.
Reviewers - We gratefully acknowledge the contribution of the reviewers who reviewed papers for Facta Universitatis Series Economics and Organization in 2024, 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017 and 2016.
Vol. 21, No 4, 2024
Table of Contents
Linda Kruope, Solveiga Blumberga
Maja Stojanović-Blab, Daniel Blab
Marsida Harremi
Zoran Tomić, Jovica Stanković, Jelena Z. Stanković
Ivana Marković, Mirjana Jemović