Zoran Kalinić, Vladimir Ranković, Ljubina Kalinić

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In this paper, an overview of current state of e-commerce development in Serbia is presented. Also, some important factors influencing e-commerce diffusion are discussed. The factors are divided into four groups: technical factors, which cover e-commerce telecommunication and logistics infrastructure; legal factors, i.e. necessary laws and regulations on e-commerce; economic factors, and psychological factors and local culture. The study showed very strong correlation between broadband internet penetration and internet usage on the one hand and online shopping penetration on the other hand. Also, strong correlation was found between national economic wealth and online shopping penetration. The development of logistics systems in Serbia, national laws and regulations related to e-commerce, e-payment systems and cultural characteristics and habits of Serbian customers are discussed. The results show that despite the notable improvement in the last few years, the level of e-commerce development in Serbia is still far away from EU28 average. Finally, some recommendations for faster e-commerce diffusion are presented.


electronic commerce, e-commerce development, B2C, influencing factors, e-payment

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