Ljiljana Bonić, Dejan Jakšić, Kristina Mijić

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Although they have different and clearly defined roles, the general purpose of external and internal audit in the public sector is to contribute to good governance of public funds, that is, efficiency, effectiveness and economy of public administration. As part of the numerous reforms in the public sector of the EU countries, as well as the Balkan countries, which began at the beginning of the 21st century, the external audit of the public sector (state audit) is developing an integral approach in its scope of work, which means providing attestations to the Parliament and the citizens of the state that the public funds are used effectively, efficiently and economically, and that the financial statements and operations of the public sector entities are in line with professional and legal regulations (emphasis is on the performance audit). The internal audit of public funds users, in addition to providing assurance services, is increasingly focused on advisory services with the aim of providing management with support in improving public resource and risk management, the efficiency of spending public funds and the provision of quality public services.


state audit, internal audit, public sector, integral approach, advisory services, EU and Balkan countries

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUEO1801057B


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