Vesna Stojanović-Aleksić, Jelena Erić Nielsen, Aleksandra Bošković

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Knowledge management is necessary in order to face the contemporary challenges in banking industry, related to hyper-competition, market differentiation and improvement of business performance. It involves several phases, and the paper focuses on the knowledge creation and knowledge sharing. Also, a brief insight into the features of an organizational culture that supports knowledge management is provided. The goals of the research are to determine the levels of knowledge creation, knowledge sharing and knowledge-supporting organizational culture, in the Serbian banking sector. After the literature review, a survey was conducted and data was processed with a statistical method. The paper contributes to the literature both in the fields of banking management and knowledge management. The findings may be useful to bank managers, because the importance of knowledge management in banks is highlighted and practical guidelines for the improvement of less developed aspects of knowledge creation and sharing are provided.


knowledge management, knowledge creation, knowledge sharing, banking management

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