Olivera Grljević, Zita Bošnjak, Saša Bošnjak

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Knowing what attracts or deters tourists to/from a tourist visit and what products to offer them and to pay special attention to is crucial for good economic results. Such knowledge can be obtained by analysis of online comments and reviews that tourists leave on travel websites (such as Booking, TripAdvisor, Trivago, etc.). This paper describes the value which information about opinions and emotions hidden in online reviews has for managers who receive it, especially the knowledge of (dis)satisfaction of users with certain aspects of the tourist offer. Uncovered knowledge from online reviews provides a chance to take advantage of the strong points, and correct the shortcomings through timely corrective measures and actions. Contemporary approaches and methods of analyzing online reviews and the opportunities for development they provide in the tourism industry are described through a case study conducted over a subset of 20491 hotel reviews from TripAdvisor. We have conducted sentiment analysis of reviews with the goal of building an automated model which will successfully distinguish positive from negative reviews. Logistic Regression classifier has the best performance, in 90% of reviews it has correctly classified positive reviews and in 83% negative. We have illustrated how association rules can help management to uncover relationships between concepts under discussion in negative and positive reviews.


online reputation management, е-word-of-mout, online reviews, automated classification, sentiment analysis, association rules

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