Vukašin Šušić, Dobrinka Dimitrijević

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Health tourism implies a temporary change of place of residence for the purpose of preventive health care, rehabilitation, the use of different types of cosmetic services, as well as most complex medical procedures. According to the level of health services within health tourism, those that stand out as specific aspects of health tourism are medical, traditional spa tourism (thermal/mineral springs tourism), spa and wellness tourism. Traditional spa tourism is becoming increasingly intertwined with other aspects of health tourism, wellness in particular. Modern spas, through the provision of treatment and other professional services, are increasingly promoting wellness, so that today spa industry is considered to be part of the wellness sector. Wellness is one of the new trends, not only in health tourism, but also in modern tourism. It is defined as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and includes attitudes and actions that prevent disease, improve health and the quality of life and lead to physical and mental balance.

Key Words: health, health tourism, spa, wellness, treatment and recreational function.

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