Anas N. Al-Rabadi

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Complexity, Galois Field Sum-of-Product (GFSOP), Galois Forms, Inclusive Forms, Multi-Valued Logic, Quaternary Logic, Shannon-Davio (S/D) Trees
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The idea of Shannon-Davio (S/D) trees for binary logic is a general concept that found applications in the Sum-Of-Product (SOP) minimization and the generation of new diagrams and canonical forms. Extended S/D trees are used to generate forms that include a minimum Galois Field Sum-of-Products (GFSOP) forms. Since there exist many applications of Galois field of quaternary radix especially that GF(4) is considered as an important extension of GF(2), the extension of the S/D trees to GF(4) is presented here. A general formula to calculate the number of Inclusive Forms (IFs) per variable order for an arbitrary Galois field radix and arbitrary number of variables is derived and introduced. A new fast method to count the number of IFs for an arbitrary Galois radix and functions of two variables is also introduced; the IFn,2 Triangles. The results introduced in this work can be useful for the creation of an efficient GFSOP minimizer for Galois logic and in other applications such as in reversible logic synthesis.



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