Vlado Delić, Milan Gnjatović, Nikša Jakovljević, Branislav Popović, Ivan Jokić, Milana Bojanić

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This paper considers the research question of developing user-aware and adaptive conversational agents. The conversational agent is a system which is user-aware to the extent that it recognizes the user identity and his/her emotional states that are relevant in a given interaction domain. The conversational agent is user-adaptive to the extent that it dynamically adapts its dialogue behavior according to the user and his/her emotional state. The paper summarizes some aspects of our previous work and presents work-in-progress in the field of speech-based human-machine interaction. It focuses particularly on the development of speech recognition modules in cooperation with both modules for emotion recognition and speaker recognition, as well as the dialogue management module. Finally, it proposes an architecture of a conversational agent that integrates those modules and improves each of them based on some kind of synergies among themselves.

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