Branka Rodić-Trmčić, Aleksandra Labus, Zorica Bogdanović, Marijana Despotović-Zrakić, Božidar Radenković

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This paper shows the development of an IoT system for students' stress management. The IoT system is developed in an open architecture and is an integral part of the educational ecosystem. The system is composed of two elements: the one that enables measurement of vital parameters for identifying stress in students, and the other for stress control. The system for stress control consists of a mobile health application featuring relaxation content. Such system should minimize the excitement and have an impact on reducing future stress. The IoT system for stress management was evaluated in a real environment, during students’ thesis defense on Faculty of Organizational Sciences, University of Belgrade. The results show that time spent using mobile health application with relaxing content can reduce students’ physiological arousal and excitement during thesis defense.


Internet of Things, wearable computing, stress management, education, students

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