Marko Jošt, Marko Topič

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The conversion efficiency of solar energy into electrical energy is the most important parameter when discussing solar cells, photovoltaic (PV) modules or PV power plants. So far many papers were written to address the limiting efficiency of solar cells, the theoretical maximum conversion efficiency an ideal solar cell could achieve. However, most of the researches modelled sun’s spectrum as a blackbody one which does not represent a realistic case. In this paper we have calculated the limiting efficiency as a function of absorbers bandgap at standard test conditions using the solar spectrum AM1.5. In addition, also the other key solar cells performance parameters (open-circuit voltage, short-circuit current density and fill factor) are evaluated while the intrinsic losses in the solar cells are also explained and presented in light of a cell temperature.

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ISSN: 0353-3670 (Print)

ISSN: 2217-5997 (Online)

COBISS.SR-ID 12826626