Zorica Mršević

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The subject matter of this paper is the analysis of the social and legal status of same-sex unions in the Republic of Serbia. In practice, they function although there is still no legislation on this matter. The right to legal regulation of same-sex unions as an alterity to marital and extramarital unions is presented in light of the importance of the legitimate right to diversity and the right to guaranteed civil rights which are recognized to those who are a minority in number and/or social influence. The main idea is the need to respect the union which is different from the majority heteronormative one. The paper aims to develop the social capacity for perception and to facilitate a dialogue and establishing relationships with this family alterity. The need to develop understanding that the legal recognition of same-sex unions is much more than the legal regulation of their property relations and civil status. It is a sign of democratization of society, its openness and tolerance. The paper is organized in several thematic parts presenting the scientific and current social context in Serbia, affirmative views of the Protector of Citizens as an independent institution, and the European context, with special reference to recent documents of the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe and relevant judgments of European human rights courts. The author notes that the position of the LGBTI+ people in Serbia is slowly changing for the better and advocates for legal regulation of this matter.


same-sex unions, social alterity, scientific context, European context, deconstruction of heteronormativity, legal security of "rainbow" unions

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ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)