Vanja Serjević

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The criminal liability of legal entities has been in the focus of the criminal law reforms over the last century, especially in the modern globalization era. The theoretical debate and the creative judicial practice in cases of serious illegal behavior of corporations have provided the necessary vehicle for change from the traditional conception that legal persons cannot be liable under criminal law (‘societas delinquere non potest’) to the newly embraced doctrine of ‘respondeat superior’ (with some modification). The article presents an overview of the major concepts and theories of the criminal liability of legal entities. After providing a comprative overview of relevant legislation in the prominent criminal law systems of the United States of America, Germany and the European Union, the author provides a general overview of the Serbian legislation on this matter.


crime, liability, legal entity, economic criminal law

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ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)