Olivera Mijalković

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The main objective and purpose of imprisonment sentence is to enable an offender to comply with social norms and values, and become a useful member of the society. In order to achieve this goal it is necessary to rehabilitate the convict, thus making the imprisonment sentence an effective measure of social protection. Successful re-socialization is achieved by providing institutional treatments adapted to individual prisoners, given the characteristics of their personality. In order to achieve the purpose of punishment, this treatment should meet particular requirements, particularly in terms of continuous improvement of individual treatment, developing modern methods of treating and working with prisoners, continuous improvement of living conditions in prisons, and respecting prisoners’ human rights. This paper includes research results on different forms of treatment applied in the Penitentiary-Correctional Facility in Niš, their importance and impact on convicted offenders who are serving a prison sentence. The author underscores the significance of continuing theoretical and empirical research on this topic.


Penitentiary-Correctional Facility in Niš, forms of treatment, imprisonment, re-socialization.

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ISSN 1450-5517 (Print)
ISSN 2406-1786 (Online)