Apostolos Tsiouvalas

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The Pikialasorsuaq or North Water Polynya is a polynya that lies between Greenland and Canada in northern Baffin Bay. For centuries small scale family-based markets had been developed between the Inuit of two sides based on cross-border transportation. However, the emerged modern maritime industries have posed serious challenges for the polynya where the free cross-border transportation is nowadays banned, and the environmental threat has become a reality deteriorated further by climate change. Indigenous participation and Free Prior and Informed Consent are crucial for the conservation of the polynya. Accordingly, this article was designed as a descriptive study of the current situation in Pikialasorsuaq, providing the legal framework for the protection of the region and highlighting the existing system’s shortcomings.


Pikialasorsuaq, Inuit, contemporary maritime industries, cross-border transportation, Marine Protected Areas, FPIC

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FULP1901023T


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