Sandeep K. Mishra, Giteshwari Pandey, Shravan K. Pandey, Ram N. Singh

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The purpose of the present study is to deduce some curvature properties of quasi-para-Sasakian manifold equipped with respect to Zamkovoy connection. In the present article we have studied Locally $\phi$-symmetric quasi-para-Sasakian manifold, $\phi$-recurrent quasi-para-Sasakian manifold, Locally projective $\phi$-symmetric quasi-para-Sasakian manifold, $\phi$-projectively flat quasi-para-Sasakian manifold, pseudo-quasi-conformally flat quasi-para-Sasakian manifold,  $\phi$-pseudo-quasi-conformally flat quasi-para-Sasakian manifold with respect to Zamkovoy connection. Also we have shown that the quasi-para-Sasakian manifold with respect to Zamkovoy connection $\bar{\nabla}$ satisfying $\bar{\tilde{V}}(\xi, U).\bar{S}=0,$ where $\bar{\tilde{V}}$ and $\bar{S}$ are the pseudo-quasi-conformal curvature tensor and Ricci tensor with respect to Zamkovoy connection respectively.


Quasi-Para-Sasakian manifold, Projective curvature tensor, Pseudo-quasi-conformal curvature tensor, Zamkovoy connection.

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUMI230824056M


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