Zahra Nazari, Esmail Abedi

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We are studying Ricci solitons on Hoph hypersurfaces in Sasakian space form
fM2n+1(c). The rst, we prove that Hoph hypersurfaces of a Sasakian space form
fM2n+1(c < 1) with two distinct principal curvatures is shrinking and for c 1,
Hoph hypersurfaces with two distinct principal curvatures of a Sasakian space form
fM2n+1(c) does not admit a Ricci soliton. We show that there is not any Hoph hyper-
surfaces with two distinct principal curvatures in a Sasakian space form fM2n+1(c)
with a -Ricci soliton (and Ricci soliton) such that potential vector eld is the Reeb
vector eld.
Then we prove that Hoph hypersurfaces in Sasakian space form fM2n+1(c) with
c = 1 does not admit a - Ricci soliton with potential vector eld U and we show
that Ricci soliton on Hoph hypersurfaces M in Sasakian space form fM2n+1(c <


Ricci soliton, n-Ricci soliton, Sasakian space form, locally symmetric hy- persurfaces


Ricci soliton, -Ricci soliton, Sasakian space form, locally symmetric hyper- surfaces. 1

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUMI1703387N


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