Gradimir Milovanovic, Biljana Popovic, Vladica Stojanovic

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In this paper, the Empirical Characteristic Function (ECF) method is described in parameter estimations of the stochastic volatility (SV) models,  as well as the original thresholds modification (and a generalization) of these models, named the Split-SV model. The estimation procedure is based on minimization of the objective function which represents the double integral with respect to the some weight function $g:\mathbb R^2\rightarrow\mathbb R$. Some typical, exponential classes of the weight functions $g(u_1,u_2)$ are considered, as well as the different types of cubature formulas. Estimation procedures are realized by the original authors' codes written in statistical programming language ``R'', and the performances of the ECF method are examined, by statistical and numerical aspects. The numerical simulation of the obtained estimates is given, also. Finally, the standard SV model, and the Split-SV model as its alternative, are applied for fitting  the empirical data: the daily returns of the exchange rates of GBP and USD per euro, and the efficiency of their fitting is compared.


SV models, ECF estimation, numerical integration

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