Alexander E. Filippov, Valentin L. Popov

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Two versions of modified Burridge-Knopoff model including state dependent friction, elastic force and thermal conductivity are derived. The friction model describes a velocity weakening of friction and elasticity between moving blocks and an increase of both static friction and rigidity during stick periods as well their weakening during motion. It provides a simplified but qualitatively correct behavior including the transition from smooth sliding to stick-slip behavior, which is often observed in various tribological and tectonic systems. Attractor properties of the model dynamics is studied also. The alternative versions of the model are proposed which apply a simulation of the motion of interacting elastically connected mesh elements and motion of relatively large solid blocks, utilizing technique of the movable cellular automata. First version of the model was already basically studied before. Its advanced version here involves all components of the real system: state-depending friction and changeable rigidity, as well as heat production and thermal conductivity. Model based on the movable automata also involves the components included into traditional lattice model. It has its own ad-vantages and disadvantages which are also discussed in the paper.


Burridge-Knopoff model, Friction, Tectonics, Voronoi diagram, Delaunay triangulation

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