Jana Milić

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Stress is a non-specific state of a body caused by stressors. Stressor is a stimulus which, with its activity, produces a certain response which may be: physiological, emotional, cognitive and behavioural. The purpose of the research was to determine the connection and differences between personality traits (negative affectivity, social inhibition and psychosomatic inclination) of healthy people and patients with coronary disease, as well as their role in the development of the disease. The research was conducted on the sample of 43 respondents, with and without a coronary disease. It was found that there is a link between negative affectivity and social inhibition so that these two traits can be observable with part of the sample with a coronary disease. Dimensions of A type behaviour (achievement motivation), although it cannot be claimed for sure, have a significant role in the development of a coronary disease, that is, they are more noticeable. This was confirmed by our initial assumption, where this dimension is more dominant with women who have coronary problems.


A type behaviour, D type personality, coronary disease

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