Dragana Jovanović, Jelena Jovanović

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The field of effective teaching is not only significant but also unique in relation to the demands placed before it and the issues it faces along the way. It can be said that adequate, positive leadership is the answer to the demands and a promising solution in reducing the issues and challenges of the current reform. Although researchers and practitioners have emphasized the importance of leadership in education, teacher leadership is a field that has started to be "in the spotlight" only in the last few years and is a topic that has not been sufficiently researched. For the purposes of adequate affirmation and understanding of the nature and essence of teacher leadership as seen by the author of this paper and the leading authors in this field, it is necessary to make a brief review of the foundations of its origin, that is, different theoretical perspectives of looking at leadership in education in general. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to review and analyze two significant and at the same time quite influential sociological paradigms of leadership in education (structural-functionalist and constructivist) which further reflect on the shaping and development of teacher leadership.

Key words: paradigm, education, leadership, structural functionalism, constructivism


The field of effective teaching is not only significant but also unique in relation to the demands placed before it and the issues it faces along the way. It can be said that adequate, positive leadership is the answer to the demands and a promising solut

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPSPH2203135J


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