Marija Vujović, Neven Obradović

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The emergence of the Internet has led to tectonic changes in all aspects of human life, and certainly the most important ones occurred in communication and information. The term “Global Village”, which was first used by Marshall McLuhan in his “Report on the project of understanding new media” in 1960, seems to be more current today than ever. The emergence of online media, social networks and many other applications has enabled people to connect and communicate no matter where they are on the planet. However, despite all the positive effects that communication networks have brought with them, there are many negative aspects of intercultural communication that have been retained to the same or even greater extent, creating the so-called “noise” or disruption of communication. One of the best examples of this is the comments in the online media. This an essential segment of online journalism, and it proved to be a fruitful intercultural communication channel, which is why this paper will put special emphasis on the readers' comments.


online media, intercultural communication, comments, information

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ISSN 1820-8495 (Print)

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