Žarko Đorić

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Modern society is dealing with a multitude of data, with predictions that by 2025 the produced data will amount to 160 zettabytes. A generation of useful information and derivation of knowledge from this data is becoming a laborious task, while transfer of relevant knowledge through social networks is becoming even more important. Although there are different definitions of social capital, there is a high level of compliance so that, unlike other concepts related to socio-economic development, social capital is unique because it is relational. It is obvious that the fundamental idea expressed in the concept of social capital is simple: social networks are important, they have value for people and organizations that are involved in this network. The aim of this paper is to analyze the role of social networks in the diffusion of knowledge and information and its contribution to the strengthening of innovative capacities. One of the main reasons for the growing interest in the role of social networks in the creation and transfer of knowledge is that most of the relevant knowledge today has an implicit character and cannot be easily transferred. The compilation method will be used in the paper for the purpose of reviewing existing theoretical and empirical research in this field. The method of description, as a procedure for simple description or reading of facts and processes, will be related to explanations of the notion of more important features of the described facts, their legality and causal connections and relationship.


knowledge diffusion, information, social networks, innovation, new economy.

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