Vyara Angelova

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The text deals with the problems related to the Bulgarian state radio strivings during the socialism period to assist in the establishment of the national identity through the prism of the particular issue of music broadcasts. The analysis is based on archival documents consisting of minutes of the meetings of radio management, as well as relevant documents from the Bulgarian Communist Party archives. The question about the ratio of Bulgarian to foreign music on the radio not only as an element of media cultural significance but also as a national state policy arises. The presence of Western music on the radio program is studied as a result of the pressure exerted from public and state power.


Music, Bulgarian radio, socialism, national identity

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CSA, f. 206, i 2-13 – Administration of Radio information and Television

Contains: PMS, orders, decisions, etc. on creation, organization, registration and re-registration (1945–1990); structures (1970–1985); minutes with annexes from meetings of the EB (1950-1985), the Program Council (1968-1970), the TEC (1973-1985); activity programs (1980); concepts for development up to 2000 (1981); reports and information from the management to higher organizations on the activity (1972–1980); work protocols, reports, information, etc. on international activity (1960–1985); the COMECON agreements (1981-1985); regulations by the President on the use of the Golden Fund (1980-1985); instructions and regulations (1974–1980); five-year plans and plans for the overall activity (1978–1980; 1990); annual plans and reports, reports, inquiries, information, etc. by qualification of the staff (1978–1985); reports, information and analyzes on the social development of the team (1981–1985); national occupational safety program (1981–1985); annual labor protection plans (1976–1984); annual reports and budgets (1979-1984); annual balance sheets with explanatory notes (1949, 1980–1985); staffing schedules (1961–1984).

SA- Sofia, f. 4040B, i. 2 - Institutional Party Committee (CPC) at the Committee for Television and Radio – Sofia.

Contains: Minutes of: the reporting and election conference of the CPC (1975), the meetings of the CPC (1974-1975), etc.

SA-Sofia, f.2920, i.7 - Institutional Party Committee (CPC) at the Committee for Television and Radio – Sofia

Contains: Minutes of meetings of the CPC and the materials to them (1978-1979); Minutes of the reporting and election conference and the materials to it (1978).



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