Gordana Stamenković

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The author tends to analyze the man-media as the latest media (in the author's opinion) in the field of current media, a phenomenon that does not (in the author's view) belong to civic nor participative journalism, nor can its media activity be subsumed under UGC (user generated content). The question of whether the man-media in reality is a media and its role in the public sphere, are the focus points of consideration of man as media. The man-media is considered an informative-oriented individual, interested in public matters and its own active engagement in public affairs, independently producing and placing the media content: news, information, reports, comments, stories, analytical articles. The author uses the same name for a group or multitude of individuals with the same goals, taking both journalism as a craft and the media as an institution, and uniting them in their own, individual and autonomous activity. The man-media emerges due to the fact that the existing media do not perform their primary functions in a manner that satisfies the citizens’ needs, and thanks to the modern technology providing numerous opportunities for an individual to collect information, create media content and distribute them independently, in a faster and easier manner.

Key words:   man, media, democracy, internet, information, public sphere.

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