Onur Coban, Berkant Erman, Gencer Yarkın, Mehmet Zeki Ozkol

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The aim of this study was to examine the effect of isometric contraction potentiation enhancement (ISO-PAPE) on anaerobic power. Twelve professional female volleyball players participated in this study. The participants came to the laboratory on two sessions 72 hours apart. The participants were randomly assigned to either the control (n = 6) or experimental (n = 6) group. In the first session, the Bosco repeated jump test (BRJT) was applied to both the control and experimental group. In the second session, the experimental group also applied the isometric mid-thigh pull exercise for 3 seconds with 3 sets and 2 minutes of recovery between repetitions. After the applied ISO-PAPE protocol, the BRJT was performed. The control group performed only the BJRT after the standard warm-up protocol.  The anaerobic power measurements of both the control and experimental group were performed. According to the findings of the study, there were no significant differences between the groups before the ISO-PAPE application (p>0.05). After the ISO-PAPE application on the experimental group, there were only significant differences in flight time (p=0.025). This difference in the experimental group was found to be significantly lower than in the control group (p≤0.005). In conclusion, it was thought that the ISO-PAPE protocol did not have a positive effect on anaerobic power. 


post activation potentiation, isometric strength, anaerobic performance

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