Srboljub Vuković, Milovan Bratić, Nataša Zelinčević Vukajlović

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In recent years, the importance of physical activity and exercise in early childhood development has gained significant attention. The aim of this study was to determine the effects of a sport schools program on motor skills in preschool children. The sample of participants consisted of 56 girls and 74 boys of a preschool age (6.03 ± 0.45 years). Children in the experimental group were engaged in the program for six months, three times per week, while the control group followed their usual activities in kindergarten. The Test of Gross Motor Development - Second Edition (TGMD-2) was the tool for assessing the development of motor skills that require observational techniques. The ANCOVA showed that there were differences in all analyzed normative values: Total score for locomotor skills (p=0.01), Total score for manipulative skills (p=0.01), Total score for all TGMD-2 tests (p=0.01), and Total motor quotient (p=0.01). It can be concluded that there were positive effects of the sports school program on the development of motor skills in preschool children after six months. This is of great importance because motor skills have a significant role in children’s physical, emotional, and cognitive development. 


kids, physical activity, evaluation, TGMD-2

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