Sonja Dondur

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As the natural process of aging inevitably brings numerous structural and morphological changes in the body, the aim of this study was to analyze the level of physical activity in relation to the BMI in older women in urban and rural areas. A sample of 654 participants, aged 60 to 80 years, from South-East Serbia, in relation to the Body Mass Index- BMI, was divided into groups of normal weight (n=298), overweight (n=255) and obese (n=101) individuals. In this research, the IPAQ questionnaire for self-evaluation was used, that included four types of physical activity: related to work, transportation, housework/poultry and orchard and leisure. Three levels of physical activity recommended for classifying populations are low, moderate and high. The results indicate that if one takes into account the level of nutrition, there is a statistically significant difference between women in urban and rural normal weight (p=.00) in physical activities related to housework (p=.00) and moderate physical activity (p=.01). The research has indicated that women overall with increased weight and overweight women from urban and rural areas have the same level of physical activity.


Physical activity, urban area, rural area, elderly women, IPAQ questionnaire.

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