Dragan Životić, Jovan Veselinović

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The ultimate objective of organizing in sports is the realization of sport and business efficiency. This objective is most easily achieved by establishing a relevant sport organization. This means that sport organization is also the result of the organizing process. Understood as the result of this process, a sport organization represents an optimal combination of the logical and appropriate relatedness of the organizational units which makes possible the coordination of activities and people involved in the procurement, allocation, use and replacement of organizational resources. The way which leads to a sport organization definitely starts with defining the organizational process, as well as the principles which regulate it. The process of organizing also provides rules, procedures and activities which define the organizational structure of the sport organization, because it is one of the preconditions of successful management within it. The principles of the process of organizing may be as follows: work specialization, grouping tasks, balancing the relations among the parts of a whole (communication, coordination, cooperation and integration of the parts into a whole), as well as managing a sport organization, which includes delegating authority and power, responsibility, centralization and decentralization, including other categories of management such as the corresponding functions: anticipating, planning, organizing, human resources, administration and control.


Organizing, processes, objectives of a sport organization

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