Štefan Cuk, Milovan Bratić, Milanko Mučibabić

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The research was carried out with an aim of determining the level of motor potential among cadet and junior prospective national team members of Slovenia (extended list), aged 13 to 16, as well as to determine the differences among 3 groups of judokas (weight categories: up to 60 kg, up to 73 kg and exceeding 73 kg). The sample of participants for this study consisted of 181 judokas, potential candidates for the junior and cadet national team of Slovenia. To evaluate motor potential, the handgrip strength, abdominal strength and endurance, agility, aerobic capacity and explosive leg strength were evaluated. The testing of motor potential was carried out using the mobile laboratory of Sports Consulting Chamber from Slovenia and Slovenian Judo Federation. Based on the obtained results it was concluded that there are statistically significant differences between the indicators of motor potential among the three studied categories of judokas. What should especially be noted was that judokas in the weight category of up 60 kg were weaker in hand strength and agility than judokas weighing up to 73kg and judokas exceeding 73 kg. 


motor skills, competitive categories, judokas

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