Zoran Momčilović, Vladimir Momčilović

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The goal of the paper was to determine the attitudes of the students of the Teacher-Training Faculty in Vranje towards the physical education curriculum. The goal was also to determine the differences in attitudes of the students of physical education in relation to gender and their year of study. Sample consisted of 447 students of all years of studies and both genders, 84 males and 393 females. Students’ attitudes were determined by Kneer’s inventory of attitudes. The analysis of the results showed that there was no significant difference (T-test) in terms of gender. Based on the significance of the ANOVA test (sig. =0.000), it can be concluded that there are statistically significant differences in the average questionnaire scores among the participants of different years of study. Based on the significance of the Bonferroni test, it is concluded that there are differences between the first and second, first and fourth, as well as second and fourth and third and fourth year of studies in the average questionnaire scores.


attitudes, students, physical education

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ISSN   1451-740X (Print)

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