Marina Kostic

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All the categories of body feedback to stress arise from the disbalance between the stressor, on one hand, and the body resources available in overcoming stress on the other. If psychological stability is not at an optimal level, it causes the body homeostasis disbalance, physiological stability is damaged which leads to psychosomatic signs and diseases as the result of stress. As the key organ in overcoming stress, the brain has a significant role in adaptation to stress. That is why the scientists stress its potential and ability to regenerate and to provide the body with the potential to overcome the consequences of stress. In order to prevent and reduce the consequences of the influence of the stressogenic stimuli on the body, the way man can improve his quality of life and body health should be taken into account. Physical activity is one of the ways of achieving that goal, and the fact regarding the positive influence of physical exercise on the health and the emotional status of the body is well known and has been confirmed scientifically in many medical and psychological studies. The aim of the paper is the influence of the analysis which stress can have on the brain and the body and the synthesis of the results which confirm the importance of physical activity in everyday life, and especially under post stress circumstances, that is, while adapting to stress. The effects of physical exercise, as a measure of prevention, influence the optimal health status of an individual, which indirectly improves the function and the efficacy of exercising. Advances in neuroscience have tasked experts with using their knowledge and findings about the positive influence of physical exercise in order to better understand all the aspects of adaptation to stress and the reestablishment of the body homeostasis.


stress, physical exercise, psychology, analysis

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