Dragana Mitraković, Maja Batez, Marijana Simić, Milena Mikalački, Milenko Janković

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One of the priority objectives of physical education in elementary school is a positive impact on all basic motor abilities. Additional physical activity in the form of training, according to most previous studies, increases the positive effects of physical education. In a sample of 266 second, third and fourth grade elementary school children attending the "Jovan Popovic" school in Sremska Mitrovica, the motor abilities of childrenwith different levels of physical activity were investigated. The comparison of the schoolchildrenwho participated in the organized extracurricular activities and those schoolchildren involved in physical education classes as the only form of physical activity was conducted. The assessment of motor abilities was carried out based on the following battery of tests: the long jump, running 20m, obstacle course backwards, deep forward bend, body bend and folding endurance. The application of the multivariate (MANOVA) and univariate (ANOVA) data analysis and the obtained research results led to the conclusion there are statistically significant differences between these two groups, at the level of statistical significance of p<0.05, which means that extracurricular physical activities contribute significantly to the development of motor abilities in young schoolchildren.


motor abilities, physical activity, extracurricular activities, sport, younger schoolchildren

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