Stevan Stamenković, Milovan Bratić, Dragana Berić, Saša Pantelić

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The aim of this research was to determine the level of morphological characteristics and motor skills of seven-year-old boys of various nutritional status. The sample of participants consisted of 254 boys aged 7 divided into 3 groups in terms of their weight category (participants with normal body weight n=168, overweight participants n=47 and obese participants n=39). In order to measure their morphological characteristics we used the following measures: body height, leg length, arm width, shoulder width, pelvic width, body mass, average thorax volume, extended upper arm volume, thigh volume, lower leg volume, upper arm skinfold, back skinfold, abdominal skinfold, thigh skinfold and upper leg skinfold. In order to evaluate their motor skills, 9 variables were used: the plyometric jump, the standing depth jump, the forward bend - bend back - push press, 20 forward steps with a baton, horizontal skip rope, running and rolling, hand tapping, leg tapping against a wall and the 5x10 meter sprint. For all of the data obtained by testing we calculated the Mean and standard deviation (SD). In order to determine the differences between the groups we used a one factor univariate analysis of variance, the ANOVA and LSD Post Hoc test. After summarizing the results of the morphological characteristics of the participants aged 7, the lowest values were noted for the participants with normal weight, higher for those participants who were overweight, and the highest for obese participants. In the area of motor skills, the group of participants with normal weight achieved the best results for the variables used to evaluate the explosive strength of the lower extremities, coordination in space, arm coordination, running speed with a change in direction and the speed and frequency of leg movement. Overweight participants scored better values on the tests for the evaluation of speed and frequency of arm movement and coordination of the lower extremities, while obese participants were scored highest in the explosive strength of the upper extremities. The greatest statistically significant differences were noted between the group of participants with normal body weight and obese participants. From all the above, we can conclude that obesity is negatively correlated to the development of most of the motor skills of seven-year-old boys.


obesity, children, younger school age, physical activity.

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