Bisera Jevtić, Brane Mikanović

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The authors study the relationship between bullying among students, their self-concept and interpersonal trust within the family based on a sample of 484 students of the Faculty of Physical Education and Sports aged between 19 and 23 from Serbia and Bosnia and Herzegovina. The three key findings have been reached. Firstly, students who in their answers to Olweus BVQ (Bully–Victim Questionnaire, 1993) stated that they were most likely victims are better at school than students who stated that they were bullies. Secondly, by combining the relationships of victims and bullies, it has been found that bullying is connected with a lower self-concept and interpersonal trust within the family. The third finding, which has been reached by a regression analysis, illustrates that along with age (years of study and age) student victimization decreases and that the academic self-concept, interpersonal trust within the family and sex predetermine bullying behaviour of students in a negative way, while the state and both the father’s and mother’s qualifications predetermine bullying behaviour in a positive way. Besides these findings, the paper raises a series of new research questions, and at the end of it the authors point out the limitations of this study.


physical education and sport, bullying, academic self-concept, self-worth, interpersonal trust within the family.

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