Stojan Puhalj, Blaž Lešnik

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The purpose of this study was to use a multiple regression analysis to identify the independent impact of morphological dimensions, physical fitness and technique in free and competitive Alpine skiing on competition performance in twenty categorized racers from various Slovenian ski clubs, girls aged 12 to 14. We used the reduced model variables of morphological dimensions - MD (the volume of the left knee, body mass index (BMI), % body fat), physical fitness - PHF (ten jumps on both legs, running eights, stability test), technique in free skiing - TEFSK (balance, movement coordination and derivation of the curve) and the technique in competitive skiing - TECSK (balance, derivation of the curve and the line of skiing). For the criterion variable, we used the total sum of the points in the Slovenian Cup in the 2013/14 season. The results showed that all four areas of measurement explain 82.6% of the variance of the points won (R² = .826), so the effect of these predictors on the competitive performance of the girls is very high (level set at p<0.05). This may show that the results of technique in competitive skiing (p<.000) in girls significantly explains the share of points won. The regression coefficients show that girls with better morphological dimensions and better technique in free skiing achieved higher scores. The study raises key areas of research in the field of technique in free and competitive skiing as the two are fundamental for achieving top results in competitive Alpine skiing.


Alpine skiing, anthropometric measurements, motor abilities, technique

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