Slobodan Pavlovic, Dragan Marinković, Višnja Đorđić, Vladan Pelemiš

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The aim of this research was to determine the influence of certain morphological characteristics and motor skills on the volume and intensity of activities in physical education (PE) classes. A total of 208 (107 boys and 101 girls) primary school children aged 10±1.4 years old participated in this study. Physical activity was estimated by a pedometer and pulse meter. The physical fitness of the children was estimated by 7 motor skills tests and morphological characteristic by bioelectrical impedance and an anthropometer. A multiple regression analysis indicates that both predictor models had a significant influence on physical activity during classes (p<0.01). For the group of boys, physical fitness had a greater prediction value while in for the girls it was the morphological characteristics. At the level of individual morphological variables, body weight and muscle mass as components have the greatest predictive power in both sexes. Explosive strength of the lower extremities, flexibility and the speed had the greatest prediction in the boys, as well as flexibility in the girls. Findings from the present study indicate that PE teachers could provide more activities which will result in significant improvements of physical fitness components and a healthy lifestyle in children.


Fitness, Morphological development, Younger school-age children, Primary school

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