Nebojsa Cokorilo, Milena Mikalački, Stanislav Škrkar, Dragoslav Jakonić, Goran Dimitrić, Goran Vasić

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Genetic factors play an important role, but most important of all is their interaction with metabolical syndromes, specifically obesity. So far it has been confirmed in certain studies that blood pressure value is connected to age and obesity.  The aim of his study was to determine whether or not there is a relation between body composition and age that affects systolic and diastolic blood pressure. Material and methods: The data from the current research have been collected within the scientific research project titled “Anthropological status and physical activity of the population in Vojvodina”, which was realized by the Faculty of Sports and Physical Education in Novi Sad, financed by the Provincial Secretariat for Science and Technological Development. Based on 102 female participants, aged 20 to 49, from the city of Novi Sad, an assessment of blood pressure and body composition parameterswas conductedusing a digital camera OMRON M4-1 and bioelectric impedance Maltron 920. The relations between the studied variables were examined using Pierson’s correlation analysis and a regression analysis. Results: Based on the gathered multiple correlation coefficients (R) and other parameters (F tests and statistical significance P), it can be concluded that there in fact is a certain correlation between the prediction system of variables, body composition and the criteria, blood pressure assessment variables. By analyzing the coefficients of regression, individual influences of the variables of the prediction system on the criteria variables were noted. Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that an obvious influence of body composition onsystolic and diastolic pressure exists. This study also suggests that the percentage of fat in the body is a better indicator of blood pressure than age.


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