Nela Malinović-Jovanović, Milica Ristić

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The main goal of this paper is to suggest possible models of integration of preschool mathematics and physical education in accordance with characteristics of children’s cognitive development in this period, goals and objectives of preschool education and specifics of these subject areas in working with preschool children. It was investigated “why it is necessary to integrate teaching content of these specific subjects”, the different integration models, similar goals and learning objectives were specified, as well as appropriate types of integration suitable for linking the content of these subjects. Through the complete integration of related goals, as well as by observing mathematics through physical education, and physical education through mathematics, various possibilities of integrating teaching materials of these subjects are presented through specific examples as well as the appropriate instructions for their design. Integration of these subject areas is useful because due to the abstract nature of mathematical concepts, physical education allows children to learn about, explore and use to apply key mathematical concepts and language from another angle.


preschool mathematics education, preschool physical education, characteristics of cognitive development, integration, models of integration

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPES180616054M


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