Jelena Petrović, Stojan Cenić, Dragana Dimitrijević

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This paper aims to contribute to greater involvement of elementary school children in sports and physical activity in the leisure time. The paper first discusses the theoretic bases concerning leisure time activities structure; the patterns of family leisure, and the importance of sports and physical activities in both groups. Empirical research aims to gain insight into the current patterns of elementary school children’ and their families’ leisure time, and the frequency of sports and physical activity in their free time; also it examines the differences in orientation towards sports and physical activities between children from urban and rural surroundings and between two age groups (4th grade and 7th grade students), and finally it studies a correlation between family leisure patterns and students’ own leisure choices. The research encompassed 189 students of urban and rural areas of the municipality of Leskovac. The students were examined by a 5-point Likert type scale and a questionnaire. Data processing was performed by the SPSS program. The main results led to the conclusions that: Families and schools have to play a significant role in awareness raising about the importance of physical activity and sports engagement within the student’s’ unstructured leisure time; There is a need to support rural schools in developing and sustaining school sports; and finally, Family involvement in sports and recreational activities has to be supported in order to make a model for students’ greater involvement into sports and physical activities. 


elementary school students, sports and physical activities, leisure time, family leisure

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