Dragan Životić, Radovan Ilić, Jovan Veselinović, Srećko Bačevac

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The aim of this paper is to give an overview of characteristics, factors and organizational performance of the leadership in the narrative manner. We live in a time of rapid, increasingly dramatic, far more complex and unpredictable changes, which have a significant effect on behavior, business and management in organizations. Such processes are most commonly referred to as “hyperchange”, “hypercompetition”, and “hyperturbulence”. These processes take place in the period which is referred to the terms as “digital revolution”, “information era”, “digital economics”, “internet economics”, “net economics”, “knowledge economy/knowledge society”, “postindustrial society”, “age of discontinuity”, “time of uncertainty”, “third wave”, etc. The responses to the rapid change in the environment in which sports organizations perform their business and have wider social mission, and which are increasingly discontinuous in their character, seek from managers to be transformational leaders. This implies that leaders have the capability to create a vision, mission, policy and strategy and their implementation, achieving a much greater overall value for consumers and large transformational shifts in the short term. In the environment which is more dynamic, unpredictable, or insecure, leadership change has become a more critical aspect of leadership study. Modern leadership concepts focus on the leadership that organizations and individuals need. The idea of a shared leadership, virtual, transformational and one that is based on elements of emotional intelligence, obtains the right of citizenship and becomes the dominant field of research in the field of modern corporate governance.


Leadership, Transformational Change, Sports Organizations

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.22190/FUPES190306024Z


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