Bisera Jevtić, Gorana Đorić, Danijela Milošević

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The aim of the study is to determine and develop the social competences of elementary school age pupils in physical education classes, through workshops. The center of the author's interest is an introduction with opinions and behavioral patterns according to differences, based on defined criteria and indicators of measurement. It is pointed out that there is the necessity of taking active roles by all participants of the school community in acquiring new competencies in order to cultivate and respect the principles of differences in classes of physical education. The study offers new experience about utilization of the workshop method, forms, and techniques, as well as the possibilities of raising awareness and behavior change when it comes to discriminatory behavior of pupils through physical culture. This also provides the opportunity for further examination of the workshop method in order to implement it in the teaching of physical education.


Social Competencies, Workshops, Physical Education, Communication, Respect for Diversity

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